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  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

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    Have you been impacted by COVID -19?
    Are you stressed at work?
    Are you going through a divorce and is this impacting your performance at work?
    Are you experiencing bullying or harassment?

    Hargrave et al (2008), reported that employees reported an increase in their productivity by more than six hours per week after using their EAP services. In addition, most employees also reported that their energy levels, concentration, and work quality all increased. Other employees reported an improvement in their time management, sleep, and working relationships.

    Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) were designed to provide psychological services to employees( Baskar et al  2021). These services generally include short-term counselling which is provided through various modes. In addition,  several authors have noted that the assistance of a counselor or psychologist in the early stages of an employee being in distress can prevent short-term and long-term disability.

    At Unique Psychology & Consulting, we work with you to develop a program that is designed to meet individuals where they are:

    We offer short term and confidential counselling services to employees and their families.

    We offer customized counseling and appropriate referrals.

    Pay only for services rendered.

    We will assist you to resolve personal problems that may be affecting you at work, personal life and together we will develop a plan designed to  help you to overcome the challenges or difficulties that you may be facing.

    We help you live a more fulfilled life.


    • Baskar, K., Shinde, E. M. B., & Srinivasan, D. A. (2021). Promoting Mental Well-Being Through Employee Assistance Programmes. NHRD Network Journal, 14(1), 64–82.
    • Hargrave, G. D. Haiatt, R. A., & Shaffer, I. (2008). “EAP treatment impact on presenteeism and absenteeism. Implications for return on investment.” Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 23(3):283-293.